Musings on IT and Life

Staying In the Moment


I have the opportunity to share some thoughts about computing (using computers rather than about the computers themselves, although there could be some of that, too, I guess) and life, so how could I pass that up :). Here goes… let me know if any of this is helpful…

* Always look for the simple solution first.

Recently I was reminded of the truth of this ancient maxim when I ordered a new computer for a client before checking to be sure the old was truly defunct. In my defense I was relying on second hand information that the computer was un-recoverable, but if I had done a little more research, I could have returned it to it’s source vendor and found out there was a very unusual but easily fixed issue – the CPU had died. Once replaced, the computer worked as well as ever. Cost? $100. True savings? The hours it would have taken installing several years of tax programs and other software. It pays to step back and look at the overall situation and ask, “what are the possible solutions?”

Isn’t it the same with our day-to-day experiences? I find my natural tendency is to react to difficult situations without a lot of forethought. Maybe that’s just me, but I think not. Relying on my experience to inform me of the best route in each situation is deceptively easy. Taking time to quiet my mind and allow other scenarios to play out in my mind takes practice… and something I am frequently short of – patience!
